Jane Clark-Ambrosini

Jane joined Nokia in 2022 and is currently Global Head of Early Careers.  With a strong track record in talent management and HR change and transformation, she is responsible for leading and defining the future of Early Careers.

Her breadth of experience ranges from overseeing complex outsourcing Graduate/Interns/Apprentices solutions and in-house Graduate programmes globally to designing leading Early Career recruitment strategies for multinational organizations.  Jane is a thought leader and collaborator and operates across a broad stakeholder base, building strong relationships and always striving for excellence.

Jane brings extensive global leadership experience in early careers resourcing and development, and for the past twenty years has been responsible for building and driving industry award-winning strategic talent plans to attract, recruit, develop and retain best-in-class junior talent. She has worked in a variety of senior roles within the global investment banking and financial services industry with companies such as Credit Suisse, Fidelity and Barclays.

Jane holds a doctorate in HRM and Organisational Behaviour and has recently authored a published article in the International Journal of Human Resource Management – Quid pro quo? The future for graduate development programmes through the lens of talent management.
