Karolina Mikulska – Rumińska

Dr. Karolina Mikulska-Ruminska is a Professor at the Institute of Physics at Nicolaus Copernicus University (NCU) in Torun, Poland. She earned her PhD in Biophysics and DSc in Physical Sciences from NCU. Her research focuses on computational biophysics and bioinformatics, aiming to explain fundamental biochemical processes at the molecular level. In recent years, she has dedicated her work to studying regulated cell death mechanisms, publishing in prestigious journals such as Cell, Nature Chemical Biology, Nature Metabolism, PNAS, and JACS. She has also developed new computational tools widely used by the scientific community. Dr. Mikulska-Ruminska completed two long-term international research internships, at EPFL (Switzerland) and the University of Pittsburgh (USA), along with an internship at ADAMED, a pharmaceutical company. She participated in many national and international grants, in eight being the leader (National Science Center Poland, European Sciex-NMSch). She received several national and international scientific awards, such as the Stefan Pienkowski Award of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Physics, and the International Rising Talents Award from the L’Oréal-UNESCO program. In 2021, she was among the hundred most inspiring Polish women according to Forbes Women.