Adam Roman

TQED: a Simple Tool for Effective Test Case Design

Adam Roman is a professor of computer science at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland, and also a both ASQ and ISTQB certified quality engineer and software tester. His research interests include software quality, model-based testing, effective test case design, test process improvement and application of AI techniques in testing. He also is a recognized expert in the field of software testing, speaker at many Polish and international testing conferences, and a member of the Polish Society for Quality of Informatics Systems.

In my talk I want to present the so-called TQED model. It may be viewed as a fault model, but also as a handy tool for boosting the tester’s creativity when designing the tests or performing a static testing. I will explain the origins of the model (inspired by physics), its structure, and its components. I will also show some practical applications of the model in generating the test ideas and present the scientific proof that the model really works.